Termination of Service
What you need to know
CPB may discontinue electrical service for the violation of any of the Schedule of Rules and Regulations or of the Schedule of Rates and Charges. CPB also may discontinue electrical service to the Customer for the theft of services or the appearance of theft devices on the customer’s premise, for safety reasons or to be compliant with any state, city or county regulations that require disconnection for safety reasons. Any and all electrical services will be discontinued to customers with past due accounts except as provided in this rule. Payment in full (including forfeited discount charges and additional collections charges.) will be required before service is restored. An additional deposit amount may also be required. The termination of service by CPB for any reason stated in this rule does not release the customer from the obligation for any amounts due to CPB, including the payment of minimum bills as specified in contracts.
If payment is not received within ten (10) days after the due date on the bill, CPB may discontinue service beginning on the eleventh (11th) day after:
- Providing a separate written notice (also referred to as a 2nd Notice or Late Notice) by USPS mail (U.S. Postal System) to the customer’s mailing address on file informing the customer of the electric service disconnection and the available right and remedies to dispute the bill with the CPB
- Receiving a yellow door hanger at customer’s service location which states the customer’s rights and remedies.
CPB evaluates local weather conditions during the cold and hot seasons before disconnecting service to the customer. Various local sources include both Huntsville and Birmingham television service areas. TVA also provides CPB with weather conditions for CPB’s area. Technology provides CPB with many sources of reports on weather conditions ranging from extreme freeze warnings to excessive heat warnings.
In the event the forecasted high temperature is expected to be 100 degrees Fahrenheit (F) or above and or is expected to be 32 degrees or below (F) on that day, CPB will put forth efforts to postpone the disconnection of service of residential customers scheduled for such disconnection due to non-payment. Consideration shall be given to length of time weather conditions are expected to continue. Where disconnection is postponed due to extreme weather condition, the postponement will not extend beyond the extreme weather condition time period as forecasted to exist.
Should the electrical service be disconnected at a residence that has a medical hardship unknown to CPB, the customer should immediately be instructed to call 911 or go to an emergency facility until this situation can be resolved.
CPB encourages customers to have battery backup units or systems if they have a medical need that requires medical equipment that will not operate without electricity. If this is not possible, CPB will consider other Medical Hardship recommendations. Should customers contact us about a medical hardship, we may give them a medical form to be returned with proper information concerning the medical condition.
Upon CPB’s approval of the CPB’s 20-day Medical Certification for Postponement of Electric Termination of Service form submitted and signed by the customer, disconnection of service will be postponed for 20 days from the original scheduled “disconnection date” to allow customer time to make payment or find alternative shelter or living arrangements for the person/patient named on the medical form. The medical certification form is not only completed by the customer but also a section must be completed by a medical doctor or nurse practitioner licensed to practice in the state of Alabama certifying that the disconnection of service would create a life-threatening medical situation for the customer or other permanent resident of the customer’s household.
It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that the form has been:
- Properly signed by the customer whose name appears on the account with picture identification, signed by the patient with picture identification and also properly signed by physician or nurse practitioner
- Delivered to the CPB (preferably hand delivered) and
- Approved by CPB
CPB reserves the right to verify or follow up the medical needs with the physician’s office. A life threatening medical condition does not relieve a customer of the obligation to pay for electric service, including any additional late charges incurred or other applicable charges. CPB will only grant this event of postponement for termination one (1) time in a twelve month period per account (per household) to limit potential abuse and the frequency of this application. If full payment of the past due amount, including all late charges, is not received by the end of the 20 day postponement period, electric service will be disconnected without further notice. (Reference: (RR) Rules and Regulations #10)